Fully Funded Training
UTS lead the way, nationally in designing and developing quality training programmes for the Health Housing and Social Care Sectors.
Skills for Care Essential Training Funding
As a Skills for Care Centre of Excellence, UTS have been awarded the contract for the 2nd year to fund all care organisations across the UK with a range of essential training subjects, delivered virtually, via live taught sessions. The subjects include:
- Care Certificate Inductions
- Volunteers Induction
- Moving and Positioning
- Safe Handling of Medication
- Safeguarding Adults at Risk
- Advanced Infection Control with Covid-19
- Basic Life Support
- Health and Safety
- Food Hygiene
- Fire Safety
Funding Allocation per Employer
Unlimited places for inductions.
Refresher Subjects:
New staff attending induction can be trained pre-start whilst you are carrying out your safer recruitment processes.
Employers will need an Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) number which we can help you obtain. This takes just a few minutes and you are not required to keep your data up to date to continue to access the funds.
Employers are not required to pay UTS for the training and claim back funds, this is all fully funded up front.
Workforce Development Funds
As a Centre of Excellence, we have the licence to deliver a range of Skills for Care approved Leadership programmes and modules, all of which have WDF attached to them.
• Lead to Succeed 5-day Programme • Well-Led 4-day programme
For any member of staff who fully completes one of these programmes, you could claim £500 in WDF per person.
- Managing Performance 1 day Module
- Managing Self 1 day Module
- Organisational Culture 1 day Module
For any member of staff who fully completes one of these modules, you could claim £125 in WDF per person per module
- Adult Care Diplomas Levels 2-5 (£600-£1500 in funding per person)
- Adult Care Apprenticeships Levels 2-5 (£1000-£2000 funding per person)
Employers will need an Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) number and will be required to keep their data up to date to make a funding claim on achievement.
Workforce Retention and Recruitment Funds
In 2021 the government announced an extra £121 million funding to support local authorities to manage workforce pressures across adult care. During this funding phase we supported our local authority customers with a range of workforce strategies and initiatives that had a significant positive impact and delivered outstanding results.
We are pleased that the government has released additional funding to support care home and care providers with a £162.5 million fund to aid workforce retention and recruitment efforts. The ring-fenced funding, available until the end of March 2022, will support local authorities working with providers to recruit staff. It will also be available to help retain the existing workforce – through overtime payments and staff banks of people ready to work in social care – and will provide further capacity to support their health and well-being through occupational health. The fund is part of a series of measures in the short and longer term to support social care and ensure there is the right number of staff with the skills to deliver high-quality care to meet increasing demands.”
Speak to our team about the great work we are doing now and how we can support you.
Find out more on 01727 733 999