UTS working in partnership with Bury Council to sustain the Adult Social Care Workforce
In the last 3 years Unique Training Solutions alongside Bury Council and the Bury Integrated Care Partnership have built initiatives that have proactively encouraged people to join and develop skills within Burys’ local Adult Social Care Workforce. It is no secret that the demand on this workforce is growing and there has been a number of challenges in recent years that have impacted nationally and locally, the ability the sector has to attract and retain great people.
UTS recognise the national and local challenges alongside the Bury employment marketplace and have championed providers that offer flexibility, offer salaries at and above the real living wage and progressively support training and development.
UTS designed, launched and account manages the “be the difference in Bury” initiative which is about strengthening local awareness about the incredible Adult Social Care workforce in Bury by increasing the attraction to local jobs, supporting people into jobs, increasing skills to progress within the sector and widening access to resources and tools that will strengthen workforce growth. We wanted to outline some of the collaborative work we are doing to shine the spotlight on these challenges and the support Bury Council is giving to their Social Care Providers.

Please follow this link to discover more about our partnership and the progress that is being achieved in sustaining Burys’ vital Adult Social Care workforce.
For further information, on how our recruitment and development initiatives could support other local authorities and social care organisations, please contact emma@uniquetrainingsolutions.co.uk
Further news worth mentioning
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